Tuesday 14 March 2017

Best 5 Ways to Compare Printer Prices Online

Why Should You Buy Printers Online?


Just like all the other products, buying printers online has become a norm these days for customers because they get it at a cheaper price by sitting at their homes. If buying online, you get a huge range of selection too. It is simply impossible to compare and see so many products simultaneously when it comes to offline purchasing.

5 Ways to Compare Printer Prices Online


Online shopping lets you compare prices for all kinds of goods that you want to buy. If you are looking to buy printers, you can simply checkout various sites that sell them and then compare their prices to get it at the cheapest price. Below are 5 ways through which you can compare printer prices online.

Use a Search Engine

The process for finding anything online starts by searching it using your favourite search engine, in most cases Google. You can simply find the prices for all the shortlisted printers which will help you in making the final decision. Even for trying out the other ways of comparing prices, a search engine is needed to find out what you need.

Use Platform Comparison Sites

Various platform comparison sites have emerged in the past owing to the rise in online shopping. You can simply head to a site where there are comparisons made between prices of competitive products. These days, many e-commerce sites offer the functionality to compare prices so you can use them too.

Check Review Sites

There are various review sites on the internet where you can check for prices of your favourite printers. You will also get a detailed review of that particular printer which is quite helpful in knowing more about it.

Check Official Sites

Official sites of printer companies often have discounts or good offers so you can use them to check the exact prices of printers. All major companies have listed their selling prices on their official sites so you can check those out.

Go through Open Forums

Open forums not only present you with a comparison but also let you participate in a discussion regarding a particular topic. Thus, make sure to go through various open forums if you want honest comparison of prices as well as knowing whether it is value for your money.

Final Say

Getting the best deal online is pretty easy if you just take some effort. While buying printers for home next time, make sure that you use these 5 ways to compare various printers price easily and make a wise decision.

Thursday 2 March 2017

The Use of Different Types of Printer Cartridges in Printers

Know about the printer cartridges

Making a purchase of the new printer cartridge must be as simple as heading to the local print store or probably just logging onto a website, selecting your desired cartridge for the printer and finally just installing it right away for ease of usage.

Unfortunately, the printer cartridges like several other technologies are subject to a multitude of confusing jargons. There are people who aren’t aware of the difference between the ink cartridge and the toner ink cartridge. Most of you may know that the ink is used in the inkjet printers and the toners is used in the laser printers. Beyond this, there’s absolutely no knowledge. But hold your horses this isn’t going to be so simple. Given the distinct variety of product codes, terms and jargons prevalent in the market finding the right cartridge for your printer can be a bit of a pain.

Classification of Printer Cartridges

You know what’s worse? The printer cartridges are classified in a variety of ways – how they were manufactured or by whom they were manufactured. So, here we’ll discuss the different types of the cartridges so that the next time you are confused between ink or toner cartridge, you know what to do.


OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. These are the cartridges that are manufactured by the company that built your printer. So, if you talk about the HP all in one printer, the HP ink cartridges would be referred to as the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) cartridges. Such cartridges are majorly known for the high quality of print that they offer. Sadly, this quality comes at a high price.


Next in line is the compatible cartridges. These in general mean the non brand cartridges. They are designed to work in a specific printer and can be availed at a fraction of cost of an OEM cartridge. Such printer cartridges are ideal for those careful about money. Please know that with compatible cartridges you may not get the same print quality as in OEM. This doesn’t mean that they aren’t good.

Re manufactured-

Third comes the re manufactured cartridges. Broadly speaking both compatible and re manufactured cartridges are more or less the same. However, there is a fundamental difference between the two. The compatible cartridges are developed from the scratch whereas such is not the case with the re manufactured cartridges. These cartridges are renovated by use of the new parts. The re manufactured cartridges are cost effective and environmentally friendly printing option. There does exist some skepticism in context to the quality of these products. However, there are companies that work closely on this and ensure that the quality you get in re manufactured is close to that of the OEM toner. So, here you can get exceptional quality at only a fraction of cost.


Last comes the refill cartridge. Please know there is a difference between the refilled and the re manufactured cartridges. In case of re manufacturing, the specific worn out parts of the cartridge are replaced in order to get it back in the working condition however in the case of the refill, you only refill the ink that is spent. On the whole, refilling is the cheapest option available. This is also one of the most environmentally friendly choice given that there is no waste of materials. You can carry out the refills at home using a home refill kit. You can also get it done by a professional.

Final Say-

These are the 4 different types of printer cartridges. You can avail both printer cartridges and inkjet and laser printers online at a lower cost.